Pham Van Long

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Pham Van Long grew up in a fishing village in Quang Binh. His father was a fisherman but passed when Long was in grade school. His mother is unemployed.  

He describes himself as an average student in a small school until 8th grade when he earned 3rd place in the district physics competition. He went on to get a Province 1st prize and a National 2nd prize in physics. He was also featured in “Physics in Youth Magazine”. He then went on to the talented and gifted high school.

He originally did not think about college because no one in his family considered or talked about college as an option. He learned about VinUni when a faculty member came to his high school to talk about opportunities at VinUni. The prospect of the highest standard of international education combined with the opportunities to study at Penn and Cornell captured his imagination. 

He is studying applied physics and electrical engineering at VinUni. He is also tutoring primary and high school students in physics and English. He is planning on graduate study or working in industry – though he would prefer graduate school to learn how to do research, invent and discover if he is able to secure a scholarship.

He is grateful for his scholarships because it gives him the freedom to study and the opportunity to thrive in an environment with excellent people and cutting-edge technology.

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